Collecting Conversations - 100 women sharing everyday thoughts
When Sam’s Mum died she left 30 years worth of diaries. Inspired by their everyday content they sparked an idea. Sam wanted to find out how other women navigate their everydays.
Going forward without her Mums advice and guidance she started having deep conversations with the women around her. Initially she’d invite mums at the school gate round. Gradually over the next four years she spoke to over 100 women from all over the country, all ages and backgrounds, asking them the same 18 questions. Her inspiration for the questions came from the content of her mums diaries. The result - a treasure chest of insight and fabulousness!
“Poses wonderful, insightful questions that everyone should ask themselves” Good Housekeeping
“Wow at last, a book aimed to encourage and inspire conversations about what it means to be a woman today. PLease read this very honest and heart warming depiction of every day life - And then SHARE. Share it with your mothers, sisters, aunties, neigbhours, brothers, fathres and friends - and lets get talking”. Amy O’Toole Mental Heath Advocate.
“Your book has delighted, absorbed and moved me deeply. I barely read the premise and knew I wanted to buy it. I always have a queue of books waiting to be read but yours went to the front. Now, at the end I know I didn't just want it, I needed it. This book has spoken to me deeply. Thank you!”. C Cullen Counsellor
MEN TALK - given half a chance!
After interviewing 100 women for her first book the natural step was for Sam to do the same with100 men. The results were incredible. Men naturally open up when given the space to do so. After transcribing three million words, she writes a book that dives deeply into how men honestly and truely think.
Women are used to talking, they’ve been doing it for centuries, men haven’t. This book reveals inner truths. It offers insighst into marriage, lifes pressures, sensitivities, and the whole gamut of mental health issues. Covering self doubt and low self esteem along with their passions for music, poetry and dance.
It’s very interesting to read the thoughts of men in emotionally intelligent language . They are human, thinking, feeling beings like us ladies, yet they’ve often been considered alien beings. It reminded me that men are not to be feared. They, like us are sensitive, scared, anxious, vulnerable, and caring. I believe this book will be such a huge success”. Renata - Teacher
“There is something very powerful hidden in the stories of these people. It is humnaity at its most ordinary and yet the same time extraordinary”. Jan - Retired lecturer
“What a brilliant book - you’ve birthed a corker. It’s absolutely fascinating. I’m telling everyone to buy it. Who knew men had so much to say. It’s very revealing”. Tricia - Set designer
Menopause - A Hot Topic!
A tiny book with a lot to say. When Sam’s menopause hit she decided to purge her confusion along with 50 other mystified women - sharing is caring. This pocket size vingette is an honest tale of menopause. Sam assures you wont be any the wiser after reading it but at least you’ll know ‘Thank God, it’s not just me!’. Menopause - A Hot Topic is the perfect gift for all the women and men, in your life.
“Sam’s thoughts could have been plucked straight from my menopause addled brain and there is so much value in solidarity of experience. She even describes some of the weirdest symptoms I’ve had (scabs up the nose & Achilles Tendonitis) Laced with wit this book made me howl with laughter whilst heaving a big relieved sigh that I'm not alone on this journey. I felt somehow vindicated reading it”. J Thomas