August 2022
The thing about writing books is - you have to sell them but in order to sell them you have to tell people about them which can become terribly repetitive. Years ago, long before I even thought about writing books I was listening to a talk show on the radio. The person being interviewed was an author. He said - ‘the thing is - I write, that’s my medium. I’m not an extrovert, I am a person who sits in their thoughts and writes about them. I don’t talk - I write. But the world has changed. We authors now have to talk about our books, do presentations, public speaking and the likes. This is not who I am, I don’t like it, and I don’t want to do it but I have to’. I felt sorry for him and I now know how he feels. But the world has changed. You want to tell anyone about anything these days - then you need to shout out from the roof tops so to be heard above all the other ‘noise’ and, it’s exhausting.
Sometimes when I scroll through social media I get ‘full’ very quickly. It’s overwhelming. There’s so much ‘stuff’ being thrown at you - I don’t want to add to that. The very purpose of my books is to help lighten the load of a sometimes heavily burdened life. I create books in order to create space. Space to think freely. Space to process and relfect. I feel reflection is missing from our over reactive world.
Sometimes I’ve felt odd writing my blogs - sharing the minutiae of my life can feel a little forced. Do you really care if I’ve gone for a break in the Lake District? It doesn’t feel right and I’m not sure your lives are enhanced by me telling you about what I’m up to. I’m not that interesting - that’s why I interview other people.
What I’m saying is I will only tell you something when I have something to tell you of significance. If I have nothing to say - I have nothing to say! I suppose that means I’m on the slow train, and maybe you can join me in the slow lane too?
Not quite the cover - but nearly!
But I do have something to tell you of significance - ‘Men Talk’ is at the printers, in Poland. It’s looking good, thanks to the illustrations from Ruth Allen and design from Alison Gardner. It will be with me by mid September. (update - now the first week in October) It’s a kind book, an insightful book and it’s been made with sweat and tears and not just mine. I love it! Prepare to be dazzled. And please bare with me and my awkwardness as I continue to sell my wares!