More Blue Peter than Botticelli
If you want one of your own message me.
I’m in menopause fog! I pass people I know in the street and can’t remember whether I’ve said ‘hello’ - it’s that bad. I’ve been in this mayhem for 3 years on and off and know it’s a phase that eventually settles (another advantage of talking to all these women) but I wish it would hurry up and I know it’s dull banging on about the menopause - but you know me, I do like to share!
Remember last year when I saw the cutest Free Little Library in New Orleans? Well I got one. Two weeks ago mine arrived. Made by my friend Kevin in Ireland, shipped over naked and ready to paint. I’m not sure what I think about the result, more Blue Peter than Botticelli but it’s received a warm welcome in the community and just two weeks on it’s attracting a lot of attention. I went out last night to restock and to my delight it was filled by the locals.
There’s been another installation too - my ‘She Shed’. Painted and ready to house - ME! The garden’s wrecked with all the shenanigans so the Easter break will be jammed packed with planting and potting - I cant wait.
Book news - the reprint is going well. I’ve just been interviewed for the Daily Mail, supplied three new beautiful gift shops and am genuinely delighted to find the shops already stocking it are regularly restocking a whole year on.
I’ve been interviewing many men too, young and old alike and loving it. I wish you could hear all these conversations in real time. I can’t tell you what it feels like to listen to the magnitude of experiences, stories and thoughts about the way we all live.
This week I’ve been listening to an 89 year old tell me about his experiences leaving Poland during the war when he was just 9 years old and the impact it had on him for the rest of his life. And last week Mel, 36 - a cheese seller from Estonia was telling me how he learned to swim in the open lakes near his home. The whole community visit the sauna two or three times a week as a ritualistic way of life.
I shudder when I hear these stories, so whilst I’m thinking about it - if you’re feeling a bit out of sorts, get chatting, start up a conversation and just listen - naff as it sounds, it’s very connecting.
My nemisis - typing! I’m so bad at it I’m literally retyping almost every word including this one. As a lot of my work involves transcribing I have no choice but to learn to do it properly. I’ve decided to learn to touch type. Lets see how disciplined I am with this new hobby!
And finally, last week me and my fella nipped off to Lisbon. Two nights in Pastrie del nata heaven - I may have had one custard tart too many!
Until next week - where you will meet Mel my cheese seller!
HAPPY MOTHERS DAY - if you are one
Love Sam