Making History
I changed the colour. What do you think - too much? For me it’s like giving your living room a coat of paint - it feels fresher and of late I have not been feeling fresh AT ALL!
Recently I’ve been experiencing BRAIN FOG! It’s been quite distracting. What with selling a book about Menopause and enduring this new unnerving symptom, it’s a recipe for, well, me not doing very much. I just can’t seem to focus so I’ve taken Banksy’s quote on board ‘If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit’.
British Library Archives
In between the rests there have been moments of clarity. I found out that if you write a book and have the all important ISBN number, you can send it to the British Library’s depositing bank where upon it’s sent to the ACTUAL BRITISH LIBRARY in London! That I can tell you, has put a smile on my face. My books are future history books. History books people! I’m telling you… in 300 years time my great great great great great great great grandchildren can go and find me. #Beamingwithpride!
I’ve got some talks coming up. My fear hasn’t gone away but as it’s part and parcel of being a writer I might as well just get on with it. If you fancy coming along please do.
5th December - Literary Laughs Book Quiz hosted by Coram Beanstalk. I shall be chatting with author Lucy Mangan about her book - Bookworm at St Thomas' Church on Telford Avenue Steatham SW2
18th January 2020 - I’m travelling to give a talk at Read Book shop 41 Huddersfield Rd, Holmfirth, Yorks
29th -30th May 2020. I’m heading to Perth Scotland to speak at the 2020 Flushfest. An event set up by the Menopause Cafe at Dewars Centre, Glover St, Perth
Tomorrow there will be a post from Brian, one of my 100 men (I’m calling this project Men Talk)