I remember back in January saying, ‘Right, time to slow it down a bit. Life is going way too quickly.’ Not a chance, it’s flown by and here we are, my last post of the year which also happens to be my 52nd birthday. Happy birthday me!
Back in the summer. Tired, hot and flipping menopausal!
What a year. Not my best if I’m honest. Too many menopausal interruptions. Latterly I’ve felt so much brain fog I was beginning to think my life might have to take a differnt course. But just this week I felt like the old me again, and thank goodness for that because life without my natural curiosity and enthusiasm was becoming a little dull to say the least.
As I said - 2019, not great. The second print run of Collecting Conversations arrived on my door step and my heart sank. I know that’s not the right attitude but it really did. I’d worked so hard the previous year and the idea of doing it all over again with all my menopausal symptoms seemed like a book sale too far. I decided a slow but consistent plod would be my pace this year.
So it was as much of a surprise to me as anyone when I produced ‘Menopause A Hot Topic’ in September. The idea came of out the blue back in May and for some reason I felt compelled to get it written. It was the right decision because I had a lot of fun writing it. One happy customer posted this on Instagram:
“It got me in heart! Sam’s thoughts could have been plucked straight from my menopause addled brain and there is so much value in solidarity of experience. She even describes some of the weirdest symptoms I’ve had (scabs up the nose & Achilles Tendonitis) laced with wit this book made me howl with laughter whilst heaving a big relieved sigh that I'm not alone on this journey”.
As you can imagine feedback like that is good enough reason to get your thoughts out there. If you haven’t got a copy it’s available from my shop -
My biggest regret of the year is not getting more Men’s interviews done. I’ve just not had the energy. But there are a few lined up for 2020 and there’s one waiting in my typing pile. My mission next year is to share more of what I’m hearing.
Interviewing Lucy Mangan
Postitive news:
I signed up to some basic tech courses which, weird as they sound - were inspiring. I joined the gym and actually go - THREE times a week. Did six talks, all petrifying but the last one which I did two weeks ago was the best yet. I actually enjoyed it and for the first time in two years I thought - I can do this now.
I became an Auntie again (7 nieces now) and have risen to Great Aunt status too - a boy this time, phew!
And finally I plucked myself out of my miserable, Bah humbug attitude and got into the festive spirit by putting up not one, but TWO Christmas trees!
Life lessons learned this year:
When life gives you menopause - RETALIATE!
Don’t stop learning.
Dont give up - persistent pays.
If you’re feeling crap today - it will pass. Things keep changing.